The Babbling Belle
Ya know, you would think someone that publishes newspapers and talks as much as I do, would never have Writer’s Block, but low and behold, I did….for about 2 years, but due to the recent events going on in our nation, I felt it was time to shrug off the cloak of procrastination, lack of ideas, and forge forward.
I mean, I think all of us could use a change of pace from the constant bickering going on between political parties, at least for those that do not have a Biden bumper sticker on their cars or a Trump flag flying in their yards. Exercise your constitutional freedom no matter who you are, I, personally, encourage it, but with the recent attempted assassination and death of a citizen simply exercising his right for him and his family, I need a break. And don’t even get me started on mainstream media, Lordy…they are making a butt load of money off of viewers right now!
I prefer small town journalism, because we do not choose a side to make money from and then print it. Mainstream media is famous for such things like Fox News and CNN. In the newspapers that I publish, I try to showcase both sides and let them exercise their constitutional freedom. Actually, it is my duty as a member of the Press to protect freedom of speech, within reason, and allow it to be published.
Do you think I like everything that we publish? Heck no! I mean if eye rolling was an Olympic sport when I read some of the columns we publish at times, I would have a gold metal or two. However, it is not my job to censor them. It is my job to protect them and help them exercise their constitutional right to free speech. Simply, I respect them and their rights. Maybe many of us need to start doing that with our fellow neighbors and citizens, and respect them. I even have to print letters to the editor that even throws myself under the bus, but guess what? I do it anyway, because that is my job to show what Aretha Franklin sang, R.E.S.P.E.C.T!
I feel respect and love go hand in hand. Truthfully, Jesus only gave us one command on this earth and that is to “love one another”. Jesus did not specify if you had to be Republican or Democrat! I mean come on, Peeps, when are we going to stop throwing all the good we have been taught out the window, for politics? I mean it is just politics!!!! These people do not even know your name unless you have given a cool couple hundred thousand!
Also, that goes for those pastors or bible teachers that are preaching their political viewpoints from their pulpit, “Shame on you!”. Have you ever heard of the separation of church and state? No Constitution was the first that came up with the church and state separation….Jesus did! Jesus showed his anger publicly in the temple when governmental matters, like collecting taxes, were taking place, and you know they were promoting their candidate to be the next royal donkey keeper or whatever electoral offices were held that day while they were taking some poor person’s money. If Jesus got mad, that should be a subtle hint to those that are preaching politics in the pulpit. You need to shut your mouth before Jesus does it for you.
If you do not agree with someone’s politics, who cares! You do you! God made you ….. and them... just as you are! You need to start having more confidence in yourself and stop being affected by others! God has us in His loving hands. NO politician is more powerful than God! The world will still go around, and politics will continue to be a nasty business, just hang on tight. It ain’t over yet!
This column is dedicated to all those in the military, law enforcement, and first responders that have been told by citizens that they could have done some things better after tragedy happens. Like those untrained citizens even know what they are talking about?!?!?! Most can’t even get out of bed without stubbing their toe in the morning, much less to protect presidents and our communities. My family, my staff, and I love all military, law enforcement, and first responders. We appreciate you and your family’s willingness to put yourselves on the line daily for the greater good of us all. We RESPECT you!
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