Celebrating 248 Years of Freedom

July 13, 2024

Over 200 years ago, a group of people, brought together by a shared feeling of injustice, wrote down the God-given rights that all Americans should be entitled to and declared our country free from Britain’s rule. Our founding fathers created the Declaration of Independence to proclaim that Great Britain could no longer rule over America and that we are our own country. Each year on the Fourth of July, America joins together to celebrate the birth of our country and the American Freedom that we enjoy today.

It was July 2, 1776 that the Continental Congress voted to ratify the Declaration of Independence that proclaimed our country’s freedom from Great Britain. Only two days later, on July 4 the thirteen colonies and the Continental Congress formally ratified the Declaration of Independence. Since then, Independence Day has been a day of celebration and joy across the country. Each July 4, families and friends gather to celebrate the birth of American independence with fireworks and barbeques and patriotism spreads and inspires Americans. On Independence Day, people are proud to be American and celebrate their freedoms and rights made possible through the Declaration of Independence.

The first annual commemoration of independence took place in 1777, on July 4, despite the war, in Philadelphia,

Pennsylvania. In 1781, the Fourth of July was made an official state holiday before the Battle of Yorktown in Massachusetts. After the war, the Fourth of July became a holiday that created a feeling of unity in America and a celebration of the nation. Following the War of 1812, the patriotic celebration only grew and in 1870, the Fourth of July was made a federal holiday. Since then, Independence Day has continued to be a symbol of patriotism and an important national holiday.

The bravery and courage of the founding fathers is the reason we are free today. Drafting the Declaration of Independence and signing it was an act of treason against Great Britain and would have cost those who signed their lives. This was a price they were each willing to pay to break away from Great Britain and gain their freedom. Their acts of bravery have inspired many Americans to go into public service, fight in our military, and advocate for the American dream of freedom.

Each year, we come together and celebrate our founding fathers declaring that we are our own nation and that we have tenable rights to life, liberty, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness. When the writers of the Declaration of Independence declared all men equal and that government would be for the people, the founding fathers put America on the course to become the nation it is today. Since then, we have continued to be a country that protects freedom and the fundamental right to life and liberty.

May God bless the United States of America, now and always. Happy Independence Day!

As always, I can be reached anytime through the toll-free message line in Frankfort at 1-800-372-7181. You can also contact me via e-mail at Chris.Fugate@lrc.ky.gov and keep track through the Kentucky legislature’s website at legislature.ky.gov.